This is a survey course examining the field of distance learning. This is not a production course. Although you will leave with enough knowledge to begin designing a Distance Learning course, the nature of a survey course is for you to get the big picture of Distance Learning in many different environments and using many different media or combinations of media. With this said, you will produce products in this class that will help to assess your understanding of the field of Distance Learning. These will usually be in the form of written work, but may also include things such as presentations and actual distance course elements.
Visual BASIC as a Research Tool is an introduction to problem-solving and programming with a object-using, event-driven, GUI-oriented, high level language within the field of education. Course content is developed in the context of its application to instruction and to the collection and manipulation of educational data.
This course focuses on the development of an understanding of microcomputer hardware that allows individuals to teach as well as make decisions concerning purchase, repair, and appropriate use. Topics include: basic concepts of digital electronics, the operation of a digital computer system, major categories of computer peripherals, historical development of electronic computers, and selection and maintenance of computers in an educational setting.